Zhu Peijun 朱佩君

Artist: Zhu Peijun

Era: Late Modern

Status: National First Class Artist of China

Name of Artwork: Fish Under A Pine Tree

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Silk Scroll

Zhu Peijun (1920-1995) was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. She was a renowned female painter. There are real international auction prices for her works. She excelled in traditional Chinese paintings and engaged in the creation of Chinese paintings over a long period of time. She was the Dean of the Chengdu Painting Academy, a National First Class Artist of China, a member of the China Artists Association, the Vice Chairperson of the Sichuan Province Artists Association, and the Chairperson of the Chengdu City Artists Association.

The entire artwork of Fish Under A Pine Tree is refined and detailed. Its subject is prominent, the picture frame simple and clean, and the color tone fresh and new. The form of the fish is precise, the artistic conception of the scene is reserved and elegant, and the painting reveals an impression that is pretty and smooth as if real fish are in the water.





