Zhao Qiuping 趙秋萍

Artist: Zhao Qiuping

Era: Contemporary

Status: World Renowned Artist

Name of Artwork: Springtime South of the Yangtze River

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

Zhao Qiuping, born in Minhou, Fujian Province, China in 1954, is an international Gold Award artist. The Government of Russia has conferred upon her the title of “Meritorious Artist of the People”. She is a Specially-Invited Calligraphy and Painting Artist of the Art and Culture Center of China Art Research Institute, a Director of the Contemporary Art Research Center of China, and a member of the Sino-Korea Culture and Art Expert Committee. In 1996, she received the honorary title of a “World Famous Artist in Calligraphy and Painting”. She is adept at painting fine-brushwork carp, and enjoys the estimable title of “Carp Queen” among those in the world of calligraphy and painting. She has held individual and joint exhibits inside and outside of China and has won many awards. Her artworks have been collected by people of status and distinction in the USA, Australia, Japan, England, France, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and other countries.

Springtime South of the Yangtze River adopts traditional fine brushwork techniques, but also incorporates the shading and realistic techniques used in Western paintings. It makes the ink carp look three-dimensional. The carp are microscopically fine and exquisite, while the outlines and strokes are free and smooth. Though she paints fish without painting the water, the fish look as if they are swimming right in the water.






趙秋萍,1954年生,福建閩侯人。國際金獎藝術家,俄羅斯國家授予「人民功勛藝術家」。中國藝術研究院文化藝術中心特邀書畫師,中國當代藝術研究會理事,中韓文化藝術專家委員會委員。1996年被評為「世界書畫藝術名人」榮譽稱號。擅長工筆鯉魚,在書畫界享有 「鯉魚皇后」之美稱。作品在國內外舉辦過個展與聯展,並多次獲獎,廣為美、澳、日、英、法、巴西、泰國、印尼、菲律賓、馬來西亞、汶萊等地名人雅士所珍藏。這幅《江南春》採用傳統工筆及西畫明暗寫實的手法,使墨鯉產生立體感,勾勒自如,精細入微,畫魚沒畫水,卻又能給人有魚游水中之感。