Wu Qingxia 吳青霞

Artist: Wu Qingxia

Era: Modern

Status: National First Class Artist of China

Name of Artwork: Colorful Fish Swim on Their Ten-Thousand-Mile Journey

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

Wu Qingxia (1910-2008) was a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. She was a member of the China Artists Association (CAA), a Director of the Shanghai Branch of the CAA, a Professor in the Art Department of Shanghai Normal University, a Fellow of Italy’s Academy of Europe, a Painting Master at the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, and a National First Class Artist of China. There are real international auction prices for her works. She came from a family of painters. Since childhood, she acted in accordance with her parents’ instructions, copying by hand realistic fine brushwork paintings by artists of various schools from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. She was able to master the essence of those paintings. Painting carp was her specialty; she learned from fish and was able to capture both their outer form and inner spirit. She enjoyed especially high reputations in calligraphy and painting circles and earned the laudatory nickname “Carp Wu.” The fish produced by her brush could be called magical for their lifelike realism. Her fish are on par with the horses of Xu Beihong, the shrimps of Qi Baishi, and the hawks of Li Kuchan.





