Wang Gengxin 汪更新

Artist: Wang Gengxin

Era: Late Modern

Status: National First Class Artist of China

Name of Artwork: Fish are Happy

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

Wang Gengxin was born in Xi, Anhui Province, China in 1924. He is a prestigious master of traditional Chinese paintings and a master of art. He is the Vice Chairperson of the China Artists Association, the Vice Chairperson of the World Artists Association, the Vice Dean of the Traditional Chinese Paintings Institute of China, and a lifetime Honorary President of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan. There are real international auction prices for his works. He has had an ardent love for art since his childhood. He was influenced by the Xin An school of painting. He paints a very wide range of subjects and is especially adept at painting fish, tigers, and eagles. In international painting circles, he is acclaimed as “The King of Both Tigers and Fish”. His artworks have been selected for display by major exhibits held in China and many other areas and countries. He has won many awards, including the Special Award, First Award, Gold Award, and Silver Award in China’s National Grand Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, as well as a Gold Cup Award in an international exhibition. His paintings are collected by memorial halls, museums, calligraphy and painting institutes, China Central Television, the Central Government of China, and people of fame and status inside and outside of China. His paintings are circulated in over 70 countries. The carp he paints are full of dynamic impressions. He pursues to create an atmosphere in which the fish look happy and transforms the lifeless brush and ink into an artistic conception that feels full of life. His use of colors is especially creative; he makes the fish look not only radiant but also alive. His clever use of cyan colors makes the carp shine, allowing the painting to look colorful and full of vitality.





