H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III H.H.第三世多杰羌佛

Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Era: Contemporary
Status: Buddha
Name of Artwork: Dragon Carp Frolic in a Lotus Pond Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha in the history of Buddhism to have received such a large number of recognitions and to have been recognized as having such a high status, which recognitions were made in accord with the dharma. The Senate of the United States unanimously passed Resolution 614 commending the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The awards that He has received are numerous, such as the World Peace Prize, the Presidential Gold Award, and the Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Award for International Service and Leadership.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha is not just extremely proficient in art. He is in fact a true great master of the Five Vidyas. In art alone, His ink-wash and oil paintings of landscapes, birds, flowers, figures, animals, fish, and insects as well as His sculptures and calligraphy have all reached the apex of accomplishment in this world. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is also the only great master of art in history who has created sixteen schools or styles of painting.

Although His accomplishments are unsurpassed, He nevertheless maintains a heart of humility. Praising the artists whose works are exhibited in the Hall of Fish Paintings by Famous Artists, He said, “One can truly learn from the strengths of these artists. I am happy that they have reached such excellence in their fields.”

Authentic original works created by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which are difficult to purchase, are affixed with His three-dimensional fingerprint in order to prevent forgeries. Whenever one of His original works is for sale anywhere, people vie with one another in their eagerness to purchase it. Even limited-release copies (not originals) of His painting Carp in a Lotus Pond (76.5 cm x 97.6 cm) that bear His signature, of which there are 200 all together, as well as unlimited copies of Dragon Carp Frolic in a Lotus Pond that bear His signature, were sold for prices ranging from US$300,000 to US$380,000 each. Such prices are not lower than the prices of copies

of paintings by the world’s topmost art masters, including Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet.

This painting called Dragon Carp Frolic in a Lotus Pond combines both freehand and fine brushwork and features the techniques of both hazy and realistic depiction. Its style is both abstract and concrete. It has been appraised as “a world treasure of outstanding quality,” “a peerless and sublime painting.” One expert said, “Why is it a sublime painting? Its scene is spellbinding, any small part of it is enough to cheer the heart, it is inimitable, and its artistry is peerless. That is why it is sublime.”

創 作 者:H.H.第三世多杰羌佛
時 代:當代
畫 種:水墨設色、紙本

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛是佛教歷史上唯一獲得最多、最高合法 認證的佛陀,美國參議院一致通過第 614 號決議,表彰羌佛的成 就,祂獲獎甚多,如世界和平獎、總統金牌獎、馬丁路德金獎等, 羌佛不單精於藝術,實質上是真正的五明巨匠,只是在藝術上, 祂畫的山水、花鳥、人物、動物、魚蟲,無論是水墨畫和油畫、 雕塑、書法,都得到了世界頂尖的登峰造極成就,羌佛也是歷史 上唯一創造了十六個畫派的巨匠,成就至高卻慚愧自居,讚嘆魚 廳畫家們,說:「諸家各長良可習,喜爾群峰頂上遊。」羌佛的作 品真跡蓋有立體指紋印防偽,原件作品難以買到,一當出現在賣 場,都被爭相搶購,就是 76.5cm × 97.6cm《蓮塘鯉魚》非原作的 限量兩百張複製品簽名,和不限量的複製品簽名畫《龍鯉鬧蓮 池》,已賣到三十萬到三十八萬美元一張,不低於畢卡索、梵高、 莫內等世界頂尖級大師們的畫價。

這幅《龍鯉鬧蓮池》是寫意與工筆結合,朦朧與實筆立技, 抽象與寫真為體,已被評為世界「極品珍寶」、「絕世神品」。專家 說:「何為神品?畫境出神入化,得尺怡情,無人可效,技藝絕矣,
