Fan Changjin 樊長金

Artist: Fan Changjin

Era: Contemporary

Status: First Class Artist of China

Name of Artwork: Auspicious Happiness in Superabundance

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

Fan Changjin was born in Xincheng, Guangxi Province, China in 1972. He is the Vice Dean of the National Painting Institute of China, the Honorary Dean of the Beijing Jinhua Lanting Institute of Calligraphy and Painting, and a member of the Guangxi Province Artists Association. He is proficient in painting bird-and-flower, and especially carp, gold fish, and grapes. His artworks have been shown in countries such as Brazil, Japan, Korea, USA, and Hong Kong. He has won gold, silver, and bronze awards many times in major painting and calligraphy competitions and exhibitions inside and outside of China. He was given the reputable title of the “Famous Calligraphy and Painting Artist of 2005 in China”. His artworks are collected by museums, memorial halls and government organizations at various levels in China, as well as private collectors inside and outside China.

In Auspicious Happiness in Superabundance, the wavering dynamics of the fish are strengthened in the creation of the painting. The water waves set off the impression of movement, and a visual effect of the fish cruising and leaping in the water is accomplished. Despite being done in fine brushwork, the painting has the charm of freehand brushwork.





