Chen Yongqiang 陳永鏘

Artist: Chen Yongqiang

Era: Late Modern

Status: National First Class Artist of China

Name of Artwork: Springtime Water Stirs One’s Feelings

Type of Painting: Ink & Color on Paper

Chen Yongqiang was born in Guangzhou, China in 1948. He is a Director of the China Artists Association, a researcher at the China National Academy of Painting, the Honorary President of the Memorial Museum of the Lingnan School of Painting, and a National First Class Artist of China. He enjoys a special stipend from the State Council of China as an outstanding specialist and was given the title of “Outstanding Artist of the People” in 2005. There are real international auction prices for his works, many of which have been collected by the Office of the State Council of China, the Central Military Commission of China, China’s Great Hall of the People, the Central Government of China as well as many art museums throughout China. He held a fish painting exhibition in Guangzhou in 2000. The fish created through his brushwork are not presented solely for their natural beauty, but also presented to express emotions and feelings. His artworks boldly use fresh and lively colors to strengthen their visual beauty and construct pictures that are bright and vivid, thus building a new style of painting that is not only rich and expansive, but also full of beautiful rhythm and vitality. He is a representative traditional Chinese painting artist who has made prominent achievements and has extensive influence on the world of art in South China.  





